DDG 榮獲國際肯定,成為 REBRAND 100® 名人堂中唯一來自台灣/大中華區的品牌顧問公司

REBRAND 100®是品牌再造領域唯一也是最權威的全球性獎項。自2005年成立以來,一直致力於表揚並鼓勵全球成功的品牌再造專案,到目前為止,參賽作品遍及40個產業、51個國家。每年評審委員會由來自不同國家的設計、商業以及行銷等領域專家組成,針對全球不同市場的品牌重塑再造,評選出最有價值的案例。

今年REBRAND 100®設立第一屆名人堂 (REBRAND Hall of Fame™),表揚品牌專業人士對全球企業的貢獻與價值,特頒最高榮譽Hall of Fame給品牌領域最具影響力的菁英。DDG與Interbrand、Landor、FutureBrand等國際知名品牌諮詢顧問公司一同獲獎,也是獲獎名單上唯一一家來自台灣/大中華區的顧問公司。

DDG自1994年開始,在台灣及大中華區協助上千家的企業建立國際品牌。透過品牌銳變™的方法與流程,協助這些企業,讓國際市場看到他們的不凡之處,進而創造驚人的成績。對於能獲得此殊榮,DDG執行總監史孟康 (Mark Stocker)表示:「能和其他知名顧問公司一起入選感到很開心,但我們更開心的是,這是肯定我們的客戶在經營品牌上,有足夠的洞察和遠見。」

DDG所協助的客戶,包含威剛ADATA、大阪京Ozaki、GoHiking等,都曾獲得REBRAND 100®獎項。史孟康:「當企業能用國際級的水準執行、經營自己的品牌,並得到國際級的認可,這才是最值得驕傲的地方。」這次DDG能入選REBRAND名人堂,是對DDG及其客戶在品牌經營與執行的再次肯定。



REBRAND Hall of Fame™ 網站


什麼是REBRAND Hall of Fame™?

”We pioneered reviewing and publicizing the impactful stories of brand transformations long before any other program. With participation from 51 countries, over 40 disciplines, and 110 jurors, to date, the quality, global reach, and respect we have garnered is unmatched.

Our goal at the outset was simple: acknowledge and publicize multidisciplinary, global experiences that demonstrate brand effectiveness. Beginning with the annual selection of jurors from a diversity of cultures, backgrounds, and experiences, we required submissions to be rigorous stories outlining before and after examples of the experience and results achieved. Our winners effectively demonstrated their expertise through comprehensive case studies we presented to the public as ongoing displays of the power of effective branding on hearts and minds.

This first phase of our Hall of Fame recognition honors consultants that have received at least 10 awards or the equivalent in the REBRAND 100® Global Awards over the past 10 years.“

REBRAND Hall of Fame™ 完整名單

Brains On Fire – US

Brand Leadership – South Africa

Brand Union – Global

Brandient – Romania, Singapore

Brandoctor – Croatia

Continuum – Global

Cossette – Canada

DDG – Taiwan, China

FutureBrand – Global

Interbrand – Global

Karacters Design Group – Canada


Landor – Global

Lippincott – Global

Make® – Denmark

MetaDesign – Switzerland, US

MetaDesign AG – Germany, China

Minelli – US

Principals – Australia, Asia Pacific

Push – US

Porkka Kuuts Oy – Finland

Radley Yeldar – UK

Re:Sydney – Australia

Siegel Gale – Global

The Moderns – US

Unisono – Bahrain


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